Saturday, February 6, 2010

Brought to you by the letter "A"

I've missed the last two weekends of our knitting group, due to remodeling the craft room and a blizzard or two. Angelika and some made it to the last one, and she left the following synopsis on my facebook wall:

" . . . Nichole is doing baby socks ;) Barbra is learning nasty words ;) and Mary Beth is gonna knit nasty coverings ;) And Mary Beth bless her helped me finish a head band ;) Thank Gawd :) LOL I can knit ..Misty showed up too.. ouch her hand looked awful :( We missed you ;) Hope all is well ;) "

I will make it to this weekend's knitting group, come hell or high water. Snow, however, might require some engineering effort on my part, but I'm gonna get there!

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