Sunday, July 12, 2009


A bunch of us friends who play the World of Warcraft together hived off into our own guild this week. It was tough to break from our old guild, but it had to be done. There were personality conflicts and policy disagreements, and , ahem, that's as civil as I can put it. We're now more of a family guild that does 10-mans and 5-man instances. The difference this week has made in our enjoyment of the game is shocking and reaffirming. Kinda nice to get back to just playing, and less of the sorts of drama and politics one often finds when surrounded by strangers. Yes, this is just a game, which is exactly what we're protecting by retreating to less crowded waters.

And because WoW has had such a big chunk of my week, my knitting has been mindless dishclothes on straight needles. I did turn the heel on Jaywalker #1, when no one was looking!

This morning was another Fertile Turtles knit-together! On my way in the door of Borders, snagged Miss Jami for a brief gossip catch up, with promises from each of us to tell all the rest later. Swung through the books to snag up three, from which I would later choose one to give a home to.

The group was well in progress when I got there at noon.

Barbara was too shy to model her latest preemie cap, which was adorable. Nicole is still digging the crochet.

Carol has another sweater in the works and Angelika started a new crochet blanket.

My fair isle radar went off, and it was Mary Beth's next toddler dress. Debbie has a glove nearly finished.

Pat's lacework gave me goosebumps, and then I touched the fluffy thing . . . and my goosebumps got their own goosebumps -- it's just that beautiful!

She has yet another lacey thing in the works, and I swear I saw her knitting it without referencing the chart! She ain't human. And that sweater with the yarn I love so much? Finished and wearing it, and check out those awesome stacked buttons!

These are the three books I had to choose from, as I could only give one a home today. Damn, why doesn't WoW fiction come in audiobook format??? Sigh. I had only thumbed through a small pinch of pages from the Knitalong book, and it won me over right then. I'll not only get more immediate use out of it, but probably more frequent use too. The other two are still high priority on my wish list, but Knitalong won the day today.

I'm really in a dishcloth phase lately, lol. I'll get back to them projects on circs when I feel like it, and not a moment sooner, lol.

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